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Our Achievement

Achievement at Recco is as follows.

Conducive Environment

Recco has a conducive classroom environment. There is mutual respect between the students and teacher and among students themselves, orderliness, and safety.


We offer both the local and international curriculum, that is Cambridge International Exams (CIE), Edexel and the Kenya National Exams.  

Teaching Experience

Our staff are professional with experience in both local and international curriculum. Among them we have examiners with international boards.

Structured learning

Our teaching is individualized according to the students’ needs. The student learning is motivated and feedback and reinforcement regularly provided.

Future Oriented

Our learning system is is modeled to prepare future ready learners for the world which we believe is our responsibility to students and the society at large. 

Student growth

Our centre provides sufficient scope for the cultivation of skills, interest, attitudes and appreciations. Our learning is holistic.

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